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Frequently Asked Questions
### How do I import this nsm blog repository template? #### BitBucket: 1. Click the **+** on the left of the page then click on **import repository**. 2. Under **URL** enter ****. 3. Under **Owner** select which team/user you would like to import the repository under. 4. Under **Repository name** choose a name for your repository. 5. Click **Import repository**. #### GitHub: 1. Click the **+** on the top-right of the page then click on **Import repository**. 2. Under **Your old repository’s clone URL** enter **** 3. Under **Owner** select which organisation/user you would like to import the repository under. 4. Under **Name** choose a name for your repository. 5. Click **Begin import**. #### GitLab: 1. Click the **+** on the top-right of the page then click on **new project**. 2. Select the **Import project** near the top-right of the page. 3. Select **Repo by URL**. 4. Under **Git repository URL** enter **** 5. Under **Project url** select which group/user you would like to import the repository under. 6. Under **Project name** and **Project slug** choose a name for your repository. 7. Click **Create project**. ### How do I fork this nsm blog repository template? 1. Make sure you're logged in to BitBucket/GitHub/GitLab with your account. 2. On BitBucket, click the **+** on the left of the page then click on **Fork this repository**. 3. On GitHub/GitLab, click the **Fork** button on the upper right-hand side of the repository page. ### How do I rename the forked repository? 1. Navigate to the main page of the forked repository. 2. Click Settings. 3. Under the **Repository/Project name** heading, enter the name you would like. On GitLab you will also need to navigate down to **Advanced** and change the path. ### Can I remove the fork relationship? On GitLab you can under the advanced part of the repository's settings, unfortunately on BitBucket and GitHub you cannot (try importing instead!). ### How do I view the blog locally? 1. Make a local clone of the repository on your computer. 2. open **index.html** with your browser of choice.